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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Southern Snow Storm...

Weather Goob self portrait!!
Chaser convergence!! Terry Sasser and his son mushed their way down to Evergreen Alabama. We meet for some breakfast at the BK and watched the snow and discussed where to go. Turns out we were in the hot spot for the whole event! Always great to meet up with members of the Alabama gang!! Terry Sasser's weather site is located over in the links. Pay him a visit and say hello!!
Just a shot of how hard it was snowing for most of the day! Snow is rare in the South. We get a little from time to time, but this was off the charts!! Heavy snow for a whole day??!! Gotta love it!!
On top of a bridge spanning I-65
This is the spot where I found 7 inch accumulations. Found an another spot with 6 inches. Filed a report with the Mobile NWS office. Turns out I found the highest accumulations for the state
Out and about shooting pics and video. I set up at Andalusia for a while but then felt that a little further west would be better. I was on the money for once. Conecuh county Alabama was the place to be for the highest snow accumulations for the state. I spent the event riding the back roads looking for photo and video opportunities and taking measurements as the snow grew heavier. Clink on the link to my photoblog "Wayfarers Journey" There you will see the rest of my shots of this weather event!

1 comment:

Dewdrop said...

I know you were in heaven. Great timing on your road trip!!

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