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Thursday, June 18, 2009

South Georgia Magic..

Lots of storms in the area tonight and I made the most of it. The storms were "heavies" (heavy rain producers) and not the best storms for shooting but once in a while I was able to escape the rain and capture a few good shots. First time in the field shooting with the new camera and it is awesome. Just need to adjust the operator a little..;-) The rain kept overrunning my positions and I was quickly running out of places that I shoot from. The lightning was really to close to shoot safely so I wound up sitting the tripod and camera beside the truck window and reached out to open the shutter..problem solved although it was fun i am not happy with the quality of these pics..Just need more time with the camera..more pics posted later.


Dewdrop said...

Wasn't it incredible?!

Wayfarer said...

Dew, it has been a while since we have had that much lightning and it was beyond words. It was everywhere..Didt know where to point the camera!

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